Friday, 19 March 2010


I have been using Doms Decals for some time now . They can be a challenge to use as they are a sheet of decals not individual ones like Battlefront for example, but Dom provides a variety of dacals not seen from other manufacturers in 15mm including German Unit markings, British Divisional and weight markings (the yellow circles). This gives you the chance to model units from many units to a level of accuracy that has been difficult to achieve before without a very steady hand and a very small brush.

They work well with decalfix softening them or the Vallejo Decal products and providing you clip them as close as possible they are almost invisible once applied and treated.

Here's some on a recently completed Panther Conversion for the 653 Heavy PanzerJagers. The smaller crosses are very handy for Panther models as well as other small AFVs. (his sheet has 3 different sizes)

On painting table last night.

4 Vampir Panthers (IR Equipped Panthers)
2 Kugelblitz (AA Pz IV tank)

1 Hanomag command
1 Mobelwagen
I based a platoon of German Mountain troops too.

Happy Days, Keep Painting. FIL

Friday, 12 March 2010

Giving blogging another try

I'll see if I can keep at least some sort of regular posting going on from now on.

I Currently have huge amounts of ongoing commission work going on the last lot was units from the 653 Heavy PanzerJager Abl. The conversion work was enjoyable and produced some good results.

There are more pictures in the various galleries at

Currently on the Painting Table are:

Panther with Quad Turret (conversion)
T34 with Quad Turret (conversion)
T34 Munitionschlepper (conversion)
2 x Grille K (15cm sIG)

2 x Sd Kfz 253 (StuG)
2 x Marder III (7.62cm)
4 x Panzer III L, N
1 x SdKfz 221 (MG/Pz Bush)
2 x SdKfz 233 (7.5cm)
2 x SdKfz10 (1t) Tractor
1 x Sd Kfz 251/17C (2cm)

2 x Crusader for Converting to 17 Pounder Tow Vehicles

Left to Assemble

1 x 10.5cm leFH18 how (Late) (x2)
1 x 15cm Nebelwerfer 41 (x3)
1 x 7.5cm GebG36 gun
1 x 7.5cm LG40 recoilless gun (FJ)
1 x 7.62 Pak36(r) gun (x2)
1 x 7.5 Pak38/97 (x2)

Theres also some Reaper Fantasy for when I get tired of Tri Tonal Camo.