Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Basing Flames of War Infantry

Good basing makes your Army great.

A quick tutorial, as many people ask me how I base my infantry. 

What you need:
Vallejo Black Lava
Vallejo Scorched Earth Paint (Game Colour)
Vallejo Earth Paint (Game Colour)
Vallejo White Paint (Game Colour)
Javis Static Grass
Javis Hedge and Bush Foliage
White Wood Glue
Thick Cyanoacrylate
an old paint brush or two

1. Apply the Black Lava with an old brush, thickly to cover the bases of the miniatures.  I varnish the infantry before gluing them to the base for protection.


2. Leave to dry overnight. Clean old Brush with water .


3. First Coat Scorched brown fairly heavy to cover most of the black. Leave to dry


4. Second Coat a lighter one of Earth leaving some of the scorched earth showing. Leave to dry


5. Mix White and Earth 25% white and randomly dry brush to pick up the high areas


6. Edge the base with Colour of your choice in this case Earth.  Leave to dry and then varnish again for further protection.


7. Dilute the wood glue about 50-50 with water and apply in a random pattern over the base area being careful to avoid getting any on the miniatures. Sprinkle the static grass over the whole base using a clean  container below to catch the excess.


8.  Glue Javis Hedge and Bush Foliage on to areas of the base using thick cyanoacrylate to add a further dimension to the base.


Here is the whole unit following their completion


Although there is 8 processes it takes about an hour total to base a unit like this once you have done it a few times and the final result is very pleasing. Good basing make the figures look much better than leaving them on a plain green base or just throwing a bit of fine sand over them.

You can vary the colours of the static grass and foliage to represent different the theatres of war, as well as varying the colours used on the painting stages. I also add fencing sometimes and also  some detritus from the bits box (wheels, oil drums jerry cans etc) this can be added after the lava has been applied but before it dries the resin base adheres to most things.


Sunday, 20 June 2010

Russians Completed

I have just completed the first of hopefully a number of units for a new client in the Netherlands.

Here’s a picture of the completed Katyushas


Click on the picture for a larger version.
Finished with autumn bases quite muddy with a bit of darker Static Grass Mix.

I also completed some Panzer IVs to sell on  Ebay. These are the Peter Pig Models I really like them, they are much easier to assemble than the Battlefront ones and more rugged in use I find the Shutzen almost impossible to keep attached on the BF ones.


I gave the commander on the unbuttoned one a bit of stubble and it works in 15mm click on the picture for a bugger version where you might be able to see it.

Cheers for now



Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Painting Fantasy Stuff

I have recently completed a few fantasy miniatures. I find them good to do to break up the 15mm commissions I spend most of my time doing. I thought I’d put some pictures of them up here.




All of them are available to buy on ebay in my shop at

I am also happy to undertake fantasy commissions if you need any done.

Also if you appreciate great painting take a look at what this lady can do frankly her painting astounds me she has some useful tutorials on her site also, assuming you can paint as accurately as she can. go to http://www.paintrix-miniatures.com for more.

Painting Russians

On the table recently have been some Interesting French Tanks though I failed to get any pictures taken before they went to their new owner as well as some German stuff .

Currently painting some Katyushas for a new client, the new battlefront resin based ones were really not what I was expecting when I ordered them and would really benefit from some assembly instructions  but I got there in the end. Should have some photos of the finished article in a few days.